Category: Hemorrhoidectomy

Common Myths About Post-Hemorrhoidectomy Care 47

Common Myths About Post-Hemorrhoidectomy Care

I remember having so many questions, doubts and uncertainties, especially at the beginning of my recovery. I notice many patients asked similar questions online as well. It’s was a frustrating experience of not knowing...

If Your Hemorrhoidectomy Surgeon Told You This, Start Looking for a New One 360

If Your Hemorrhoidectomy Surgeon Told You This, Start Looking for a New One

About two months after my surgery, my surgeon’s office called and told me that my surgeon had quit unexpectedly without a reason. I still had a follow-up visit with her, which was obviously cancelled...

Swollenness After Hemorrhoidectomy 63

Swollenness After Hemorrhoidectomy

One of the most alarming discoveries after the hemorrhoidectomy was a swollen butt. I almost fainted when I first saw it, both because of the unsightly look and also the fear that I’ve developed...